5 Tips to Cope with Breastfeeding Challenges

Being a new mother comes with many new challenges — one of them being breastfeeding your baby. Though it seems like it should happen naturally for most new moms, it doesn’t always turn out that way.
Our team at Neighborhood Pediatrics in Shenandoah, Texas, can help. We understand breastfeeding and the many factors that can contribute to having issues, such as low milk supply, slow growth, and more. Here, we provide five ways to help you cope with breastfeeding challenges.
1. Stay educated about breastfeeding
Most likely, you’ve heard the saying, “Knowledge is power.” This is especially true when it comes to breastfeeding. Before your baby is born, feel free to ask us questions. In addition to providing our expertise, we have resources to help you learn what to expect. Once your baby is born, we can also arrange for you to work with a lactation consultant.
Our goal is to help you know more about breastfeeding, milk production, milk storage, and techniques that can make your breastfeeding journey a smooth one.
2. Take care of yourself
Taking care of yourself is a vital aspect of breastfeeding. There are many ways to give yourself the care you need.
Hydration is key, so be sure to drink plenty of water — especially when your milk supply is low. Eat a diet rich in whole grains, high in protein, and lots of healthy fats, and avoid foods that cause acidity or are challenging to digest.
You also need plenty of rest, so take naps when your baby sleeps, and avoid over-exerting yourself. Also, stress can affect your milk supply, so practice things like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to alleviate it.
3. Practice proper breastfeeding techniques
Breastfeeding requires proper technique. Your baby has to latch on correctly to your nipple and areola. To help position your baby comfortably, make use of nursing pillows. Work with your lactation consultant until you and your baby achieve success.
If you experience sore nipples, pain, or engorgement, you may be experiencing an incorrect latch.
4. Ask for assistance when you need it
As a new mother, it can be intimidating to ask for help. But don’t hesitate to seek support when you're struggling. Talk to us, or make use of your local support by reaching out to your friends, family, and other moms who may have experienced similar breastfeeding issues.
5. Consider supplemental feeding options
If you're experiencing difficulties in breastfeeding, and it's taking a mental and physical toll on you, consider supplemental feeding options, such as formula feeding. Though breastfeeding is the healthiest option, other feeding methods provide nourishment for your newborn baby. If it becomes too much of a strain, consider giving your baby formula or pumped milk from time to time.
Even though breastfeeding can have its challenges, having the right knowledge and practice can help the process become a rewarding experience for both you and your baby. By following these tips, you can enjoy a happy and healthy breastfeeding journey with your baby.
To learn more or to reach out for support, call us at 832-843-2049, or book an appointment online today.
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